Digital Volt-Ohm Meter (DVOM) for Transit

April 24, 2024 8:00 AM
Course Start Date:
Course End Date:
May 7, 2024 5:00 PM
Registration Cut-off Date:
April 16, 2024
Course price for Individuals:
$ 325.00 USD
Seats Remaining:
Register for Course:
Registration is now closed for this course

Course Schedule

Self-Paced Online Learning Course.

Course Description

Prerequisites: Personal Experience with Digital Volt-Ohm Meter Desired

Course Description: The Digital Volt-Ohm Meter (DVOM) for Transit self-paced distance learning course is designed to improve technicians’ understanding of basic DVOM functions. Students will be working with a virtual DVOM to learn its safe usage and best practices. Course includes both knowledge topics and knowledge activities. Reference Material will be provided as Resources.

Course Benefits: Students will be exposed to the most commonly used capabilities of the DVOM. Students will gain knowledge about the functions and usage of the DVOM using the virtual meter in a controlled environment.

Who Should Attend: TBD by Supervisor

What You Will Learn:

  • Use the functions of the DVOM
  • Properly hookup the DVOM for each function
  • Interpret basic DVOM digital displays
  • Perform voltage measurements
  • Perform current measurements
  • Perform resistance measurements
  • Identify open circuits and high resistance
  • Understand Min/Max, diode and other special functions

Course Outline:

  • DVOM Introduction
  • DVOM Overview
  • Meter Functions
  • Safety
  • Voltage
  • Amps
  • Ohms
  • Circuit Diagnosis
  • Other DVOM Functions
  • Test Lights and Probes
  • Conclusion

Course Times: Self-paced and self-directed

Number of Hours/Days: 16 Hours over 4-week period

Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0

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